The leading voice for excellence in public finance
The leading voice for excellence in public finance

About the National Association of State Treasurers

ABLE Savings Plans Network (ASPN)

Empowering people with disabilities and their families to save for the future, while protecting eligibility for public benefits

The Stephen Beck, Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE Act) became law on December 19, 2014. The ABLE Act creates a new option for some people with disabilities and their families to save for the future, while protecting eligibility for public benefits.

ABLE plans can change the way individuals with disabilities and their families participate in the community, build financial wellness and plan for the future by empowering them to save and invest for the added expenses that come with having a disability without losing access to federal means-tested benefits.

ABLE accounts foster person-centered independence, build self-reliance, encourage employment and improve quality of life. Contributions to ABLE accounts can come from earnings, family, friends and other sources. Earnings on ABLE accounts are tax-deferred, and withdrawals are tax-free as long as they are used for qualified disability-related expenses. 

ABLE Savings Plans Network

The ABLE Savings Plans Network Empowers Members to:

2024 Executive Board

Stacy Garrity, Chair & Pennsylvania State Treasurer
Bette Ann Mobley, Vice Chair and Director, Maryland ABLE 
John Finch, Jr., Treasurer & Director, ABLE United
Fiona Ma, Past Chair, NAST ABLE Committee
At-Large board members
Anita Kelley, Director of Savings Division at State of Alabama Treasurer’s Office
Brittaney Chipley, AZ ABLE Executive Director, Arizona
Juliana Crist, Senior Consultant, AKF Consulting & Co-Chair ASPN Corporate Affiliate Committee
Alisa Ferguson, Associate Counsel, Virginia 529 and ABLENow
Linda Fernandez, Director, Educational Opportunities and Investment, Texas
Jose Rafael Gamboa, Senior Manager, Ascensus & Co-Chair ASPN Corporate Affiliate Committee
Carl Kanefsky, Director, DE ABLE and State Treasurer’s Office, Delaware
LaKesha Page, Director of College Savings and ABLE TN, Tennessee Treasury
Stacy Pfeifer, Director, Enable Savings Plan, Nebraska
Jeremy Rogers, Director, NY 529 and ABLE Programs, New York


ABLE today, launched by the National Association of State Treasurers Foundation (NAST Foundation) in 2022, is a national awareness and educational initiative aimed at advancing financial empowerment and community inclusion for people with disabilities through ABLE accounts. ABLE today supports a collaborative, national effort for expanding outreach for ABLE Programs to the disability community and establishing partnerships to promote the positive impacts of ABLE accounts. For more ABLE information or to partner with ABLE today, please visit or contact the ABLE today team at

“Having an ABLE account now means financial security. I just put a down payment on an accessible vehicle with the money I saved in my ABLE account. I don’t know what I would do without ABLE.”

— Wendy Settles, Illinois, Young adult professional with Cerebral Palsy

Network Accomplishments

National ABLE Savings Day

August 14th marks ABLE Savings Day! People involved in ABLE savings plans across the country share the value and importance that these plans bring to people living with disabilities.