The leading voice for excellence in public finance

The leading voice for excellence in public finance


Public Finance Workforce Study

For information about the report, contact Kari Arfstrom.
For press inquires, contact Catherine Seat.

Public Finance Workforce Study and Appendix A
The NAST Foundation commissioned a national study of the public finance sector workforce specifically looking at the opportunities in this particular space. We wanted to “look closely and think broadly” about this important topic since it is affecting so many of our agencies — from state to local offices, every citizen is interacting with a public finance official in some fashion.  It is critical that NAST take proactive measures to promote a solid pipeline of individuals entering the public finance workforce, as well as support our members in their efforts to retain and train their employees. This 29-page data-driven report includes Appendix A: The seven career pathways.

Appendix B: Public Finance Demand by Geography (State)
Demand for public finance roles within all levels of government is distributed across the fifty states and DC.

Appendix C: Mapping of Public Finance Roles to BGT Taxonomy
The public finance roles analyzed in this report are specialized occupations within their taxonomy. In addition to the following mappings, Burning Glass also used additional constraints, such as specific industry requirements, to ensure that all postings analyzed reflected public sector finance functions and roles.

Appendix D: Top Certifications for Public Finance Roles
Across all public finance roles analyzed within this report, employers are most frequently requesting that their employees be Certified Public Accountants (CPA). The next most frequent certification is the Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM), followed closely by Project Management Certification and Certified Internal Auditor (CIA). A comprehensive list of the top certifications requested in job postings for each public finance role can be found here.

Appendix E: Skill Similarities Across Sectors
Skills that are frequently requested by employers in both the public and private finance sectors for each of the roles analyzed are be found here.

Appendix F: Certifications Similarities Across Sectors
Certifications that are frequently requested by employers in both the public and private finance sectors for each of the roles analyzed are seen here.

Appendix G: Feeder Roles for Public Finance Roles
This table highlights a sample of roles which prepare workers to transition into one of the public finance roles analyzed in this report.

Appendix H: Next Step Roles for Public Finance Roles
This table highlights a sample of roles into which public finance workers could transition as a next step in their career.

Media Coverage: 
The Demand for More Public Sector Finance Workers. University of Illinois, Chicago, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, Government Finance Research Center. (1/12/22)
The Government Job Application Drop-off is ‘Snowballing’. Route Fifty (11/13/21)
Despite Solid Pay, Public Finance Has Workforce Challenges. Governing. (10/14/21) 
As governments scramble to fill job vacancies, some recruiting tools can help ensure inclusion. American City & County (9/23/21)
Wave of Public Finance Retirements to Worsen Worker Shortage. Bloomberg (9/21/21)
© 2021 NAST Foundation and Burning Glass Technologies

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