Showcasing Treasury and Public Finance Thought Leaders
One of the goals of NAST’s Strategic Plan is to develop our members to be the “recognized thought leaders relating to state treasuries and public finance issues.” We welcome State Treasurers and other NAST leaders to submit columns for our weekly newsletter. Because, once you’ve seen one Treasurer’s office, you’ve seen one Treasurer’s office!
Submission guidelines: Principal members of NAST are invited to write a column for Thursday’s Thought Leadership column. The articles are generally 6-8 paragraphs, written in first person, consider this a “Dear Colleague” letter. We encourage hyperlinks for additional information. See below for the library of past editions. Scroll to the bottom for content ideas. To reserve your date, please contact Kari Arfstrom at Kari@statetreasurers.org.
Thought Leader Columns