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The leading voice for excellence in public finance

Thought Leadership Thursday

The Value of NAST Corporate Membership

Joanne Jackson

Thought Leadership Thursday Article

The Value of NAST Corporate Membership
August 19, 2021
NAST Corporate Affiliate Advisory Board (State Street Bank)
Dear Colleagues:

The value of NAST membership has never been more evident.  Corporate Affiliates have remained engaged through-out the past 18 months and State Treasurers, through NAST, have been sought after by key government decision makers for their advice and expertise.

Now that we can meet again in person, the value of your corporate membership takes on even more significance. In Chicago, there will be joyful reunions and face to face discussions - finally. This will solidify for all of us the importance of the friendships and the valuable networking we enjoy through NAST.

As the Chairperson of the Corporate Affiliate Advisory Board, I am honored to lead a group of dedicated members, each a leader in their field. With the application process now open for Board membership, I encourage each of you to review the application, consider your qualifications, and perhaps take the challenge.

Board members are working hard to assure each Corporate Affiliate firm is fully engaged with conference participation and sponsorship, thought leadership and potential speaking engagements.  The Board seeks to help each of the corporate members maximize their benefits and advance their business goals.

Thought leadership is encouraged - new ideas are shared with the aim to enhance corporate experience and success. It’s not easy work. Each Board member gives time and effort above and beyond their "day job."  We are always looking for new ways to add value to the organization and to corporate members. The ultimate goal is to do our part to strengthen the organization and assure NAST’s long-term health.

Robust corporate membership is a key underpinning of the association and we support that goal by assuring firms are fully engaged and feel they are getting excellent value.

If you have richly enjoyed the partnerships, friendships, and business associations of NAST as much as I have, please reach out to me or anyone on the Corporate Affiliate Board. We welcome your ideas and participation. The reward is knowing you have contributed to the on-going health and success of an organization that provides unique benefits to both you and your firm.

If your company is interested in applying for a board seat, please join us on August 25th at 5 pm ET for an informational Zoom meeting. Please contact Emma Heydlauff with NAST if you want an application or the call in information.

Also, the Corporate Affiliate Advisory Board is hosting our annual Corporate Affiliate meeting at NAST’s Annual Conference on September 20th; for the entire schedule and to register click here.

See you in September in Chicago!

JoAnne M.K. Jackson
State Street Bank
Chair, NAST Corporate Affiliate Advisory Board
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