The leading voice for excellence in public finance

The leading voice for excellence in public finance

Thought Leadership Thursday

We can’t wait to see you in person!

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Thought Leadership Thursday Article

We can't wait to see you in person!
January 13, 2022
South Dakota Treasurer
NAST Senior Vice President
Dear Colleagues,

As Treasurer Wooden said last week in this missive, I, too, am humbled and honored to serve as your Senior Vice President this year. In this elected role I am also the chair of the Program & Learning Committee. This committee oversees all the professional learning that occurs throughout the year. Not only for the various conferences, but also our webinars, reports, research and other collateral that advances our craft as Treasurers.

The best thing about programming for this association is that it is by us and for us, meaning we have direct input into the content. But I need to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with your suggestions.

In the meantime, I have a few requests of you.

Call for Proposals for TMTS

I personally challenge each of you to submit at least one proposal for consideration; this is the time to share your knowledge and expertise with others. We want you to be one (or two) of the 70 hours of sessions held during the Treasury Management Training Symposium (TMTS), which will be in San Antonio this June.

Treasury staff, members of the NAST networks and committees, corporate members, and other supporters are encouraged to submit topics and speakers for consideration. To ensure a wide-ranging selection of topics, we request proposals include lecture or panel presentations and peer-to-peer discussions that will reach varying skill levels and interests of the attendees.  Please consider sessions in the following tracks:

·        529 College Savings Plans

·        ABLE Savings Plans

·        Banking & Cash Management

·        Financial Education & Empowerment

·        Innovations & Trends in the Treasury (including IT/fraud/cybersecurity and state retirement programs)

·        State Debt Issuance

·        Unclaimed Property

For additional information about the tracks, audience, benefits of presenting, requirements and specifications, the evaluation process, and a list of last year’s TMTS sessions, visit the Call for Proposals webpage. Hurry, the deadline is January 28.

Legislative Conference Date Changes

I hope you got the memo about the date change! For all our good intentions about hosting the Legislative Conference next month in Washington DC, we must put our health and safety first. After careful consideration we are not canceling the conference, nor going virtual, but postponing it by a month. According to major news sources, it is expected the omicron variant should diminish, while airlines schedules get back to normal, both factors in our decision.

We are pleased that the historic Watergate Hotel can still host the event from Sunday-Tuesday, March 13-15, 2022. Same schedule, same topics, same networking events. The only thing that is changing are the dates. Per the Government of the District of Columbia, all hotel guests and conference attendees must show proof of two doses of vaccination, so please bring your CDC card or other proof of vaccination with you.

We hope you will join us in DC March 13-15. To register, to read more about the conference, and see the DC mayor’s COVID directive, please visit the NAST Legislative Conference webpage.

Again, I want to hear from you. What keeps you up at night? What can NAST provide to assist you and your staff? Read a good article and want to share it with your colleagues? Let me know. I can attest to the responsiveness of the NAST staff and they take our suggestions and input seriously.

Yours in service,

Josh Haeder

Treasurer, South Dakota
NAST, Senior Vice President
Chair, Program & Learning committee


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