The leading voice for excellence in public finance

The leading voice for excellence in public finance

Thought Leadership Thursday

Working Together


Thought Leadership Thursday Article

Working Together
September 10, 2020
NAST President and State Treasurer and Receiver General
Dear NAST Members and Supporters,

Believe it or not, the last days of summer are upon us. Typically that would mean we have had time to rest and recharge our batteries before we head into fall. However, this year has been significantly different for all of us.

For most, even if a vacation (or staycation) was scheduled, we found ourselves working. I know this has been especially true in the NAST community, and speaks volumes about our member’s commitment to their constituents and communities. I applaud everyone for the focus and passion I have witnessed during these challenging times, and know that as we forge ahead we will persevere together.

We learned through the Virtual TMTS that more than ever, our members are looking for ways to connect, learn, and support each other particularly during these unprecedented times. The power of our association and our shared collaboration has never been more evident and important.

Next Tuesday, September 15th, we will convene for the NAST Annual Business Meeting. Members will hear updates from each area within NAST about their important work during this unusual year. The meeting will also include the approval of policy resolutions that support our advocacy work and the election of officers to lead the organization in 2021. This event is open to all NAST members. For more information, please click here. And if you don’t have the links to attend this meeting or the three networking events, please email Shaun Snyder.

Then next month, we will host our new Fall Forums, which will include topics developed with the input of members. The five virtual forums are designed to address challenges and opportunities that you and your offices are facing right now. The forum titles are:

  • State Financial Operations and Technology/Management During and Beyond COVID-19
  • Understanding How Consumer Behavior has Changed in Response to COVID-19
  • State Finances in the Era of COVID-19
  • Building an Inclusive Society
  • From Traditionalists to Gen-Z: How can we understand and effectively work together?
I encourage you to visit our Fall Forums webpage to learn more about the activities that will take place in October. It is an opportunity to again bring our community together as we continue to face the challenges presented by COVID-19. Just as with the Virtual TMTS, the registration rates are lower than last year, which should allow greater participation and attendance. I hope given the success of TMTS, you will encourage others in your office to join us. And again, much thanks goes to our sponsors whose support is critical in providing the important content you have come to expect from NAST.

Serving as your President over the past 9 months has not turned out quite as I envisioned. We had all looked forward to being together in Portland and San Diego too. However, I can state unequivocally that it has been an honor to lead the organization at a time of great challenge for all of us. At our February Legislative Conference we talked about the critical nature of advocacy. Who knew that advocacy would become one of our primary tasks as soon as mid-March was upon us?

With the onset of COVID, we have been able to promote our member’s interests by engaging directly with Capitol Hill and federal agencies. We have responded quickly and nimbly on behalf of state & local governments and our constituents, and become one of the go-to non-partisan groups that policymakers can rely on for informed and experienced leadership.

In addition, we have focused on the ever increasing, educational needs of our members, by creating opportunities to support you in an era where there is no roadmap. Working together we have been able to share best practices and develop responses to help you manage the many unknowns, and we will continue to do so. Please help us with this collaboration by registering for the Fall Forums and participating in these joint efforts.

In closing, I encourage you to reach out to NAST leadership with your ideas and suggestions. This is a team effort and we welcome your input with the strong belief that together we are stronger.

Thank you again for all that you do for NAST, our constituents, and our country.


Deborah B. Goldberg
NAST President
Massachusetts State Treasurer and Receiver General

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