NAST Legislative Tracker
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COVID19 stimulus checks present people with disabilities a great opportunity to save for their future with ABLE Accounts The government is giving people a stimulus payment of $1,200 and some will get $500 more if they have a child they support. The stimulus payment is meant to help our country’s struggling businesses and communities during … Read more
NAST serves as the leading advocate for responsible treasury programs and financial policies. Our mission is to be the nation’s leading advocate for responsible state treasury programs and related financial practices and policies. The organization’s policies are guided by resolutions adopted by the membership. View NAST Tracked Legislation Click here NAST 2024 Advocacy Primer Policies … Read more
Overview The United States Congress introduced the ABLE Age Adjustment Act (S. 331 and H.R. 1219) in February 2021. Once passed, this legislation will amend the Internal Revenue Code with respect to qualified ABLE programs by increasing the age of eligibility of beneficiaries of ABLE accounts from the onset of disability before age 26 to … Read more
Investing in our communities and critical infrastructure As the leading voice for excellence in public finance, NAST advocates for legislation that ensures responsible, empowered growth at low costs to taxpayers. Responsible public finance makes critical projects such as transportation (such as roads, bridges and airports), utilities, and education possible and feasible. By leveraging financial tools, … Read more
Reuniting billions of dollars in unclaimed property with its rightful owners The purpose of unclaimed property laws is to protect the public by ensuring money and property owed to them is returned to them, rather than remaining permanently with financial institutions, business associations, governments, and other entities. NAST advocates for legislation that continues to help … Read more
Expanding access to college 529 College Savings Plans are the primary tax advantaged way for families to save for college. As a part of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, Congress and the Administration approved common sense legislation to make improvements to the 529 program. NAST and its affiliate, the College Savings Plans Network (CSPN), continues … Read more
Empowering people with disabilities and their families to save for the future, while protecting eligibility for public benefits The Stephen Beck, Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE Act) became law on December 19, 2014. The ABLE Act creates a new option for some people with disabilities and their families to save for the … Read more