The leading voice for excellence in public finance

The leading voice for excellence in public finance

Conferences & Education

2021 Annual Conference

We can't wait to be back live and in-person for the 2021 NAST Annual Conference. Thank you for attending!

September 19-22 in Chicago, Illinois

Conference Schedule 

Health and Safety Notice

NAST is considering the health and safety of all conference attendees and staff during the 2021 Annual Conference. NAST is following the CDC’s COVID guidelines and the Chicago COVID Guidelines. Following City of Chicago guidelines, masks are required for all attendees while inside public spaces unless you are actively eating and drinking. This includes all venues for the conference. Please plan to wear a mask for the duration of the event. NAST staff will have extra masks available at the registration desk, along with hand sanitizer and wipes. If you have any questions about these guidelines, please refer to the websites above.

Conference Schedule

The agenda includes in-depth panels, discussion groups, and expert keynote speakers. Events are open to all attendees unless otherwise noted. Name badges must be worn to all events. Agenda is subject to modifications. Attire is business casual; Monday and Tuesday evening events are summer casual. All times are Central Time Zone. 

Conference Hotel

The Palmer House Hilton

We hope you will join us for NAST’s Annual Conference in Chicago at the historic Palmer House hotel located at 17 East Monroe Street, a 30 minute cab ride from Midway International Airport or a 45 minute cab ride from O’Hare International Airport. Attendees can also take the L train from both airports to the hotel. From Midway: take the Orange line to the Adams/Wabash stop and from O’Hare: take the Blue line to the Monroe/Dearborn stop. All events will take place at the hotel unless otherwise noted. 

Attendees can also reserve rooms by calling the hotel at 1-877-865-5321 and using the group code: NAST. Rooms are available at these rates until September 10, 2021. For assistance, please contact us.

Registration and Ticket Information 

Member Type
Early Bird (July 1-August 6)
Regular (August 7-Sept 10)
Onsite (Sept 11-22)
Treasurers, Staff, and Networks
Other Gov’t and Nonprofit
Corporate Affiliate
Private Sector Non-Member
Guest Type
Full Conference (All Meals)
All Evening Events
Sunday Reception
Monday Dinner
Tuesday Dinner
Guest (Family/Non-Business)

Conference Sponsors 

Would you like to become a conference sponsor?