The leading voice for excellence in public finance

The leading voice for excellence in public finance

Conferences & Education

2021 TMTS: Call for Proposals

2021 Treasury Management Training Symposium

Call for Proposals

NAST invites members and supporters to submit session proposals through this online portal. We encourage Treasury offices, members of NAST Networks and Committees, Corporate Members, and other supporters to submit topics and speakers. To ensure a wide-ranging selection of sessions, we request proposals include lecture or panel presentations and peer-to-peer discussions that will reach varying skill levels and interests of the attendees. 

For additional information about the tracks/themes, audience, benefits of presenting, requirements & specifications and the evaluation process, see below. The decision whether TMTS will be held in-person or virtually will be based on travel restrictions and other circumstances as we approach the conference start date, which will be the week of May 17 regardless of format. Either way, NAST will continue to provide valuable education and networking for our members.  Please refer to the NAST Daily News Brief for future announcements.

The PDF is for planning purposes only. Only online submissions will be accepted.

Key Dates and Tracks

Key Dates

Deadline for submissions:
January 27, 2021

Evaluated by Committees & Networks:
February 1-24, 2021

Acceptance (along with regrets) Notifications Sent:
Week of March 8, 2021

Registration opens:
Week of March 22, 2021

TMTS Kick off:
Week of May 17, 2021

Conference Tracks

We are seeking proposals for the following themes:

ABLE Savings Plans

College Savings Plans 

Financial Education & Empowerment

Innovations & Trends in the Treasury

Investments & Cash Management

State Debt Issuance

Unclaimed Property 

The Audience

TMTS attendees are public and private finance sector employees including State Treasurers and staff including directors and managers who oversee investing and debt, college savings and ABLE plans, unclaimed property, operations, and financial education. Other treasury staff include Chiefs of Staff, communications, government relations, and technology directors. Also welcome are private sector, non-governmental, and other nonprofit employees. Members of the press may attend this event.

Session speakers should provide attendees with cutting edge information on research, effective practices, case studies, and policy initiatives that support sound financial policies and programs. Sessions should reflect workplace innovations through a higher level of engagement between colleagues and  promote idea-sharing in an interactive format.

Benefits of Presenting

If selected you will have the opportunity to gain recognition as an expert among your peers, colleagues, and other thought leaders. Attendees will take your information back to their agencies for high-level discussions and/or immediate implementation. As a presenter, you will enhance your credibility and stature among an influential audience, refresh your personal knowledge as you prepare materials and visuals for presentation, and challenge yourself and your colleagues with thought provoking discussions and interactions during the session.

Requirements and Specifications

Evaluation Process

Members of the NAST Program & Learning Committee, CSPN, NAUPA, SDMN and other relevant Committees will evaluate the proposals. Any program member who submits a proposal (or is on a panel) will recuse him/herself from evaluating his/her own proposal.

Corporate Affiliate Members are invited to submit proposals that highlight relationships with NAST public finance members. Likewise, Treasurers and agency staff are encouraged to submit proposals showcasing where they excel. Sessions with diverse panelists (from public and private sectors) will be given preferential rating.

Sessions will be evaluated on the quality of the proposal, relevance to Track/Theme, application to the profession, and qualifications of speakers. Panels of practitioners are preferred over single presenters for a wider range of participation.