Leadership & Committees
Jim DiUlio
NAST Boards and Committees
Jim DiUlio, Director, Wisconsin 529 College Savings Program And Chair, College Savings Plans Network (CSPN) Jim is the administrator of Wisconsin’s 529 College Savings Program which includes the Tomorrow’s Scholar advisor-sold and RIA plan, the Edvest direct-sold plan and the legacy Tuition Units plan; the program is now celebrating twenty-two years of higher education savings. He also directs compliance and is the investment officer for the $5 billion of assets held in trust for families nationwide. Previously a Series 24 FINRA-registered principal, he led 403(b) retirement plans for public school and college professionals, and early in his career placed families in then-brand-new college savings accounts. For the past seven years Jim has served on the Executive Board and is the current Chair of the College Savings Plan Network (CSPN), the national association of 529 plan administrators, experts, and corporate affiliates. He is also active in pre-college volunteer work with the Wisconsin Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. He earned a degree in biology and social sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Superior, and is a frequent speaker, panelist, and broadcast guest on program governance, plan design, asset allocation, financial literacy and wellness topics.