The leading voice for excellence in public finance

The leading voice for excellence in public finance


New Treasurers’ Training 2022-2023

Welcome to NAST

New Treasurers' Training - Class of 2023

Virtual Programming (Webinars hosted in December 2022)

Part I – Welcome to NAST and Office Transitions and Hiring Practices


During the online event, new State Treasurers heard from NAST’s CEO Shaun Snyder, as well as Treasurer Shawn Wooden, Connecticut (NAST President), Treasurer Kelly Mitchell, Indiana (NAST Past President), Treasurer Josh Haeder, South Dakota (NAST Senior Vice President and President-Elect), and Treasurer Colleen Davis, Delaware (NAST Eastern Region Vice President).  The webinar offered a review of NAST, the member benefits, and a robust discussion about office transitions and hiring practices.

Part II – Integrity & Ethics of the Treasury Office


During the second webinar, participants heard from Treasurer Allison Ball (Kentucky), Treasurer Young Boozer (Alabama), Treasurer Michael Frerichs (Illinois), Treasurer Beth Pearce (Vermont), and Shaun Snyder, NAST Executive Director, where they discussed the ethic of the treasury offices.

Part III – All Things NAST

For the third in a series, participants heard from NAST staff as they discussed the benefits of being a member of the bipartisan association for State Treasurers.

Responsibilities of the Office (Recorded Webinars)

NAST Network Presentations

Welcome New Treasurers!