The leading voice for excellence in public finance
The leading voice for excellence in public finance


Financial Wellness State Legislative Toolkit

Tools to use to announce your support of the bill!

  • FAQs to answer questions you may be asked during this process. 
  • Op-Ed guidelines to show your support of a bill. 
  • Social Media tips and hints to convey your ongoing support. 

Does your state have a Financial Education Graduation requirement?

                     Check out this interactive map to see which states do and don’t (yet). 

As of Spring 2020, 21 states have passed laws or instituted requirements relating to financial wellness programs for elementary and/or secondary instruction (often called financial literacy or financial education). Below is draft text that you may wish to use when you work with your elected colleagues or officials and introduce legislation in your state. We highly encourage you to review your state’s existing requirements on financial education prior to introducing a bill in your state legislature.

Section 1
This is the basic text of a draft bill that your state legislators may wish to introduce if no other financial wellness requirements have been enacted. This text is based on similar laws from states that have already enacted these requirements. 

Section 2
This draft text is to establish an Office of Financial Wellness, which would allow for the creation of a single, focused department on financial wellness and education within the state’s government. This may be part of the original legislation or a stand-alone bill, especially if you have a law such as that described in Section 1.